4D DocumentInvestigating time and space
It is the intention of The New York Moon to ruin the comfort of knowing where we are going. We want to go to that block that we walk by on our way to the subway every morning: It's under an elevated track, grass is sprouting out of the sidewalk, abandoned newspapers scatter in strange gusts of wind. Now imagine spending an hour there - what would we find, who would we see? As an initial experiment, the Moon has come up with the concept of the 4D Document. This is how it worked: 1. A location was chosen by throwing three darts at a map of Manhattan and Brooklyn. The center of these three darts was triangulated.
2. A team of data collectors and documentarians showed up at the location, 30th Street and the East River. For two hours, tests were conducted, people were observed, and footage was taken of the environment.
The results are exhibited here:
Before embarking on the investigation, group members weren't entirely sure that the journey would be worth it. What if we found nothing? What if we can't get to the spot the darts chose? What if it is the most boring spot in New York City?
But within minutes of arriving, these fears were assuaged. The location was ideal in many ways. There was a restaurant called the Water Club with fascinating clientele eating lobster and luxurious salads. We could see the skyline of Queens and Brooklyn. Helicopters beat overhead. Interesting sounds emanated from the water and the FDR Drive. The walls were covered with an inarticulate graffiti and there were numerous species of flora and fauna - from weeds and flowers to miniscule bugs and a jellyfish floating near the surface of the river.
We call on anyone and everyone to devise their own ways of exploring this city's unknown corners and ignored alley ways. You are free to use our darts and we will gladly exhibit any 4D Documents of your own creation.
Please write us at newyorkmoon@gmail.com
or leave us a message at 718-475-6134